‘Consider who I am…
I am the soil under your feet,
I am the roof over your head,
I am your shelter.
I am Home…
In your darkest night,
I consider your plight.
The window of time,
Changed converse to mime.
Eons ago,
In sequence we’ve grown.
In pieces you broke,
By thought and emote.
You took and destroyed,
My goodness employed.
Our Soul disconnect,
My sources neglect.
My soil turned to dust,
My forests to ash.
My oceans sigh,
My rivers run dry.
Your plight is too late,
My wrath in its wake.
I falter, you fall
I am the end all.
Remember my name,
Make choices, don’t blame.
Through the window of time,
Choose ethics, don’t mime.
Collectively shown…
I am Home.’
Published: The West Review Fall 2020