Xenophobia – Man with no Place


Mixed media sketch in graphite, charcoal, pastel & water colour. 590W x 740H.

This piece was written as an outcry to continuous acts of xenophobia occurring in our country. The economic principles of illegal immigration was left aside and the focus here is on basic humanity and morality. Religion (various) plays a symbolic role in the depiction of the stained glass crown and shattered glass shards falling from the head of the victim. The proteas at the bottom of the piece signifies our country and its political unwillingness to act morally at a molecular level.

Shipping size incl. packaging

Height (CM) = 89

Width / Diameter if cylinder (CM) = 74

Depth / Diameter if cylinder (CM) = 17

Weight = 7kg

1 in stock


‘Love me like you do yourself
Our voice the same
Our Echoes bluffed

Like shattered glass
Our Souls lay strewn
Beliefs abash
By God all known

Of many Gods
The base the same
Thy neighbour gripped
By Morals lame

In way a plenty
Thoughts all skewed
Forgotten still,
Thy Golden Rule’

VaL Smit ©


Published: The West Review Fall 2020

